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Writing to create laughter, bedtime snuggles & connected hearts

Flowers Pattern

About Ellen


Ellen was raised near Seattle and adores rainy days and evergreen trees. She lives in Utah with her husband and 4 children (2 boys & 2 girls) and loves to explore the mountains with them.  


Ellen enjoys cooking from scratch and family dinners are a daily ritual. A favorite past time is paddling a kayak on a lake (or ocean). Lately, she has been supporting her niece that has been fighting bone cancer for three years. Ellen created and runs this website and has planned events that raise funds for a cure for rare childhood cancers.  


If you ask her about the latest podcast or youtube video,

she will probably mention something about

children's literature,

personal growth &

mindset, minimalism,

fitness, finances, or faith.  


Ellen finds inspirations for her stories EVERYWHERE-

unique words/phrases overheard from children, 

the way animals interact,

or how she celebrates holidays with her children. 

Her current struggle is trying to keep up writing the manuscripts at the rate the ideas come.
























As a child, Ellen saw the Tootsie Pop commercial

when the owl said, “The world may never know how many

licks it takes to get to the center.”

She resolved to discover the answer.

Ellen counted her licks and mailed the answer to the company. To her delight, they sent a certificate of congratulations. 

She still has the letter as reminder there is power in persistence.

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© 2021 Ellen Meeks  -  Photo Credits: L. Millar

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